Gastric Balloon in Palma de Mallorca

Lose weight effectively!!


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Gastric Balloon from 6 to 12 months and Ellipse

Lose up to 25 kilos and recover your health with the gastric balloon treatment.


Time of intervention:

30 minutes






Not required



5 days

What is the gastric balloon?

The gastric balloon is a novel medical device that is installed in the stomach and, with proper dietary education and, with proper dietary education, serves as a treatment for weight loss safely and quickly.

This is one of the most modern options that exist today to lose weight without the need to undergo surgery.

What is the Gastric Balloon?

The procedure consists of the placement, without surgery or anesthesia, of a balloon in the soft area of the stomach. a balloon in the soft area of the stomachThe aim is to reduce its capacity and generate a feeling of satiety in the patient without having to consume a large amount of food.

To carry out this treatment the person must swallow the balloon or undergo endoscopy, depending on the type of balloon, and then check for proper placement in an X-ray room.depending on the type of balloon, and then check its proper placement in an X-ray room.

Once the gastric balloon is implanted, the person can return to their daily activitiesand after 4 or 12 months of implantation, the balloon is emptied and expelled from the body naturally if it is an ellipse balloon, while the traditional balloon must be removed with an endoscopy.

It is also necessary for the patient to adhere to a weight loss to a weight loss program to complement the effects of the gastric balloon, in order to achieve better order to achieve better results.

For what type of patient is it indicated?

People indicated to undergo this treatment must meet certain requirements and go through a medical evaluation. First, gastrointestinal problems should be ruled out.and your BMI should be between 27 and 50and, of course, you must be a person who suffers from overweight or obese.

It is also an alternative for those who have not been able to lose weight despite constant exercise and dieting.

Types of gastric balloon

There are two types of gastric balloon. There is the traditional gastric balloonwhich is the one that is implanted and removed by means of an endoscopy, and the elliptical gastric balloon, which is the one that is implanted and removed by means of an endoscopy. elliptical gastric balloonwhich must be swallowed by the patient.

Another major difference between these types of gastric balloons is the duration of use. minimum 6 months to 12 monthswhile the ellipse remains implanted for approximately 4 months. 4 months.

The type of gastric balloon that is implanted in the client’s stomach depends on the evaluation and criteria of Doctor Life’s and criteria of Doctor Life’s physicians..

Before and after gastric balloon

One of the things to know about this procedure is the before and after. One of the things to know about this procedure is the before and after. Not only in relation to the results, but also in the actions that the patient must take to prepare and to optimize the results of the treatment.

Speaking of results, we already know that the effect of satiety when eating will be felt immediately, while the results in weight loss will be observed progressively.

On the other hand, before undergoing the procedure, the patient must follow some recommendations, such as a liquid and low-calorie diet.Before undergoing the procedure, the patient must follow some recommendations, such as a liquid and low-calorie diet, while the after procedure consists of adopting healthy habits following a nutritional and psychological plan.

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ayd balon 6 meses
balon 12 ayd

Our clients' opinions after gastric balloon surgery

The greatest proof of the efficacy of the gastric balloon treatment we offer at Doctor Life Clinics in Mallorca is the multiple opinions expressed by our clients. There are many patients who have passed through our offices and today enjoy a healthier life with a few kilos less.

Frequently asked questions about the gastric balloon

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The gastric balloon is a very safe treatment.However, as with any medical procedure, there are always side effects and contraindications to be aware of. In this case, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may occur, although this is unlikely and temporary. In more severe and very rare cases, it can cause ulcers and dehydration.

As for contraindications, this procedure should not be applied in people who are not overweight, who do not meet the BMI between 27 and 50, who have digestive problems or who do not meet any of the other parameters taken into account by the doctors during the previous medical evaluation.

The cost of the gastric balloon at Doctor Life in Palma de Mallorca varies depending on the type of technique that is required, but in general the price can be between 2,950 and 3,750 euros. Ideally is request an appointment and receive all the necessary information free of charge.

The amount of kilos that can be lost with a gastric balloon depends on several factors, such as the lifestyle habits adopted by the patient during the process. However, the results obtained with other patients indicate that up to 50% of the excess weight or up to 25 kilos.

The results produced by gastric balloon implantation have an effect of up to 12 months. up to 12 monthsThese results can be maintained over time, as long as the recommendations made by the experts are followed.

This will depend mainly on the patient’s discipline after achieving results.. Once the time necessary to proceed with the removal of the gastric balloon has elapsed, the person must adhere to an eating plan specially designed for weight loss, where he/she will receive the advice of a nutritionist who will help him/her to educate him/her on dietary matters.

Where we are

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